Entry #1

Okay so...not sure what I'm actually doing here but my pals on forum suggested me to start writing a blog based on my researches. Or more kind of a...dream diary, I suppose.

You don't need to know much about me. I'm just someone who has grown bored on their life and wanted to do something new. So I started to research about lucid dreams. What are they, you might ask. Just Google it. You should find enough info of the basics that way.

I never really paid attention to the dreams or what our brains are doing while we sleep (I'm not a scientist, just graduated from college to do programming), but when I heard about this subject first time, I grew interested. Could I make my life little bit more interesting by lucid dreaming on night? Possibly. Literally anything can happen.

I will write here whenever I find something new, or when I finally see my really own lucid dreams. I also write these in pretty rushed pace, so my apologizes for any typos etc.

So...dream on, I guess.