Other interesting fact that I learned about different ways to tell if you're in dream or not, is the fact that movie cliche of pinching yourself is not valid. That is because you are able to feel the same pain in reality and in dream (example if you're female and you happen to have period cramps while you sleep, but you can still feel it even your dreams).
Remember the dream marks I talked about few entries ago? Well turned out that most useful one turned out to be anything to do with flying, (like a bird, airplane on sky, looking down from window etc.) because most likely I would do something I can't in real life when I lucid dream first time. So now my goal is to learn to remember to do reality test whenever flying based dream mark/something that reminds me of flying appears, even when I'm awake.
It has been a while of last entry and since then I haven't made a lot progress, but I'll keep learning with this dream mark of mine now. Hopefully I can soon really write about my lucid dreams.